Tuffy, author of the Beagle Blog

Sunday, March 25, 2012

The warmth of the sun and shedding

The sun is out and we Beagles love to lay in it. It's a lazy day, and we all took turns laying in that one special spot near the dining room table. Pop is usually sitting there playing on his computer, but he went out to have lunch with an old friend from Northwest Airlines. So it was just us and mom.

Jade had been outside earlier.  She was the last one to come inside, which never happens, so she was really, really tired.
Mom kept trying to take pictures of us laying in the sun. It doesn't work that well because there's so much sun that it washes our beautiful tri-colors out. Our white looks really clean, though.

Oliver was laying in the sun and was a litle grumpy when mom kept trying to take pictures.

We're sitting there in the sun, and we're awake now.  Me, Jade and Daisy (from left to right).
All of us are tri-colored. When we shed, we do it precisely and selectively. When mom and pop wear white, we shed black and brown. If they wear black or brown, we shed white. That way they're always reminded of us, and everyone they see knows they have beautiful Beagle dogs at home waiting on them. That's us.

The sun is still out and I'm really tired, so I think I'll take a nap.

Sometimes I get so tired I can't even shut the computer down or put it away.

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