Tuffy, author of the Beagle Blog

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Trouble in Beagle paradise

I'm in big trouble today. Remember I told you Jade was on the green bean diet, and I thought mom and pop should be, too? Funny thing. Pop got a catalog in the mail.

I'm trying to look cute and use the big old brown-eyed Beagle look so pop will see I'm sincere in being sorry about ordering that catalog for him.  I'm not sure it's working.  My motto is to lift my leg, poop, throw up in the house or chew up a roll of toilet paper and then beg forgiveness rather than to ask permission first.  Isn't that what most humans do?  I don't really mess in the house, honest.  Well, not unless I am having gastrointestinal issues.  But most often that's only gas.  Whew, doggie.  What do they feed me?
It's called King Size for big and tall. When pop saw first saw it, I was sitting next to mom on the couch. Pop turned and looked at me and asked where did this come from? I played dumb, and just looked at mom as if to blame her. I don't know if pop was fooled or not but I'm hoping I threw him off the scent.

This is the offensive catalog.  I had to dig it out of the trash.  But trash is one of my doggie businesses, so I'm good at sniffing things out and finding them, although when something's in a trash compactor it's a little more difficult.
Of course, I expect I'll take some more heat when mom gets her catalog in the mail. I wonder if she'll take away my computer privileges. I can't do this by myself because my paws and toenails hit too many keys at one time, and I can't hit the shift button to make capitals. I may need your help, dear readers. Any takers?

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