Tuffy, author of the Beagle Blog

Monday, March 11, 2013

Sleepy time

This is me, the blogging Beagle.  As you can see, my ears are down.  That means I am not a happy Beagle.  I am not doing the happy dance today.

Mom made us all get on this big Beagle bed in the greenhouse for a photo.  The pissant is on the far right.  Notice how he hams it up in front of the camera.  Probably thought he'd get an extra treat.  He didn't.  None of us did.  Daisy Mae is in the middle and Jade is at the back.
The household has been rather quiet lately … for this household anyway. We all get up with mom in the morning, she lets us out and feeds us, then Jade barks til pop gives us our good goodie. Then we all go back to sleep while mom and pop read their newspaper and drink coffee.

When mom is off doing other things I like to get under the blanket by myself.  I also like to stretch my legs.  Besides, if I take up as much room as possible that means some of the others can't get up here and crowd me.

But don't get up to get a drink of water or ask to go outside because someone will steal your blanket and your spot on the couch.  There is no honor among thieves or Beagles. Oliver took my spot, the pissant. 
But a while later I got it back, and got the other one on the couch, too.  Oliver had to go lay on the loveseat and there's only one small blanket dad got us.  Haha. 

Jade is just plumb silly sometimes.  And they call me goofy.  Ha!!!  I think not!!!
That's the routine. But the other day we were all sleeping under blankets, or in Beagle beds, mostly behaving. I was next to mom under a fleece blanket cuz they're soft. And my place is next to mom, always touching her in some way, with my head, my butt, a paw. I was minding my own business, when the pissant jumped up on the couch and stepped on me, my bad leg. I snapped at him. And I got in trouble!!! Mom yelled at me to stop it. I don't understand. I was the injured party here. Life's not fair. But mom did make him get down off the couch at least. Hahaha!!!

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