I could be a sled dog … maybe
Looking out into our cul de sac you can see that there's a ton of snow. It's too deep for me although I could play Beagle of the Hill on the big pile. Cept no one will let me out there. I'd love to play with the two-legged kids when they're playing on the snow pile. |
It snowed and snowed and snowed. It appears we're getting all of our snow for the winter in March. I'm good with that as long as the humans don't throw us out into the back yard without shoveling, or make us stay out for more than five minutes. We are house dogs, you know. But I'm thinking that since sled dogs get fed so well and run on trails, I could be a sled dog. I'm strong even if I do have a bad leg. I'd get some fancy booties, probably brown to match my coat, with leopard trim cuz I'm a tri-color, and a fancy little dog coat and harness. I could so do this.
The nesting flamingoes in the front yard weren't happy with all the snow. |
Mom doesn't do this plowing, but pop does. He takes the snow blower and plows trails for us in the back yard. I could probably go through it all, but Jade AKA Bitchy Beagle couldn't cuz she's only a 13-inch Beagle and her legs are too short. I'm the biggest and tallest in this house … but BB is the one that rules, smallest or not.
So we were all inside … waiting, waiting. We knew pop was outside clearing snow. It was snowing and not stopping, so he was out lots of times removing snow from our driveway and a couple of driveways of neighbors. He's really good that way, helping out the other folks.
Pop had a lot work because there was so much snow. And he's on top of it all the time, too, going out to shovel and plow multiple times a day when there's a lot of it. |
Mom went out and shoveled the walkway, and the area to the side of the house where we usually go to do our Beagle business, if you know what I mean. She took lots of pictures of snow cuz it's getting pretty deep. And still we waited. I'm ready to run. Hurry up, you guys.
Mom does a good job of cleaning the walkway, but we don't get to go out there much either. And never if the gate is open. We're runners, you know, although I think Oliver and I are the only ones that will really run. Daisy is too scared and Jade is too fat and doesn't want to get too far away from Pop. Sometimes I think they're not real Beagles if they don't want to run away. That's one of the things we're known for. |
Oliver the pissant was waiting, too. I don't know that he gets it yet about how Pop makes trails for us. See, he has a little black mustache and his teeth stick out. He's a goofy-looking dog. But then ... he's not a real Beagle, only a Beagle mix!! Ha!!! I'm the best Beagle boy in the house ... and Mom tells me that, too. Ha ha!! |
Pop finally started blowing the trails for us. We waited inside since he's running a snow blower, but we know that once he's finished we get to go out and run all over like silly Beagles. Well, duh. That's what we are.
Jade was watching Pop through the window. She only has eyes for him. It doesn't hurt that he's always giving us treats. I think he gives her more than he gives me. |
Daisy doesn't really like her photo taken too much cuz the first year Mom was taking pictures all the time. But here we are, Daisy, Oliver and me ... waiting. |
Still waiting. I was losing my patience. Okay. I'll take a nap. Then Mom shoveled the back deck to help Pop out. When he was blowing snow near the house it was really, really deep. Deeper than I am tall.
I just got so disgusted with waiting for so long. I wanted outside, and it just wasn't happening quickly enough. I need a nap. |
This is a Beagle-eye view of what I see when I get out on the trails Pop's made for us. |
And then … they were done. Mom grabbed her pocket camera and went outside to await our arrival.
Pop makes professional-looking trails for us. We can run two or three abreast if we want to, and if some of them can keep up. Jade runs pretty fast when it comes to food. |
Pop let us out and we went screaming through the doggie door, howling, barking as loud as we could to let everyone know we were out there, running back and forth through the trails. All we needed was a rabbit to chase.
Daisy and Oliver are running on the trail. I'm up on the deck waiting to go around again. I've already made a couple of runs around the track. |
Here comes Jade. But she's not running full speed since there's no food involved. |
Here I come, ready or not. Get out of the way, Mom. |
I got cold and came in. Maybe dog sledding isn't my calling after all. It was time for a nap.