Summer's here, and it isn't all fun and naps
I'm on the left, Jade is at the back, Daisy Mae is in the middle and Colonel Oliver North is on the right, Jade always gets a little goofy and in this picture has one of her ears in curlers (turned back). |
It was a long, hard winter, one that kept going on and on and on. Of course, being the spoiled Beagles we are, it doesn't much matter. We're indoor dogs, ones that are used to sleeping on couches, recliners and beds. We very seldom have to resort to sleeping on the floor.
The best part of napping in this house is that mom and pop provide lots of blankets, most of them fleece, for us to snuggle in or lay on top of. I prefer being under the blankets myself. |
Some would say that cats have servants, or at least that's what cats think. They're not exactly right. Dogs have servants, too. We here at the Bogan/Hobbs house like to give back to our humans, unlike cats who are only in it for what they can get. We give love and companionship back to mom and pop.
I think mom needs a life. She decided to give us whipped cream from a spray can. She's a terrible shot and got it all over my face. The indignities I have to suffer are beyond discussion in the animal world. I hope no one ever sees this photo. They'd all be laughing at me because I'm the dignified one, the handsome one, the lordly one. |
Although I did think it was pretty funny when mom got the whipped cream on Jade's nose and she looked like a trained seal!!! Woo hoo, I should have howled out loud because it was funny with that tongue of hers going and going trying to get all the cream off. We tried to help her later, but she snipped at us. She's so greedy!! |
But Jade is sometimes caught in very strange positions. Mom piles some of the Beagle beds up and Jade thinks she's a princess and has to lay at the top. Now and then they fall over and she slides down behind them. |
Oliver may not be my favorite but he is a good watchdog, better than the rest of us. One day he kept going on and on, whining, barking. Who knew, behind the back yard fence a moose calf was being born. Mom went out and took photos, and this was probably when he was a day old. But he's still bigger than we are. I think we could outrun him, though, cuz he's pretty wobbly on those long, gangly legs of his. |
But now both are gone, on vacation. When will they come back to us? For Jade and me, it doesn't matter as long as there's someone here to feed, pet us, give us our treats and let us in and out when we want to go. Daisy Mae is a wimp and misses them. Colonel Oliver North gets all whacked out of shape cuz he's a nervous kind of pissant. Maybe I'll cut him a break. He's on meds because he has bronchial pneumonia. Who knew we dogs could get pneumonia?
Pictures of Oliver usually show a pretty pathetic-looking dog. This isn't recent, but he still kind of looks like this whether he's on antibiotics or not. Okay, okay. I feel bad cuz he's sick. He was trying to throw his guts up. But I'm still not going to give him my Yummie Chummies. They're mine, all mine. |